The poor young man hesitated and procrastinated: it cost him such an effort to broach the subject of terms, to speak of money to a person who spoke only of feelings and, as it were, of the aristocrac
作者:亨利.詹姆斯 Henry James2024-02-07The reading-room of the Hotel de l’Univers et de Cheltenham was none too ample, and had seemed to Mr. Dosson from the first to consist principally of a highly-polished floor on the bareness
作者:亨利.詹姆斯 Henry James2024-02-07. . . My dear child, the bromide of sodium (if that’s what you call it) proved perfectly useless. I don’t mean that it did me no good, but that I never had occasion to take the bo
作者:亨利.詹姆斯 Henry James2024-02-07“The Portrait of a Lady” was, like “Roderick Hudson,” begun in Florence, during three months spent there in the spring of 1879. Like “Roderick&rd
作者:亨利.詹姆斯 Henry James2024-02-07The houses were dark in the August night and the perspective of Beacon Street, with its double chain of lamps, was a foreshortened desert. The club on the hill alone, from its semi-cylindrical front,
作者:亨利.詹姆斯 Henry James2024-02-07It was an occasion, I felt — the prospect of a large party — to look out at the station for others, possible friends and even possible enemies, who might be going. Such premonitio
作者:亨利.詹姆斯 Henry James2024-02-07It has long been the custom of the North German Lloyd steamers, which convey passengers from Bremen to New York, to anchor for several hours in the pleasant port of Southampton, where their human car
作者:亨利.詹姆斯 Henry James2024-02-07The story had held us, round the fire, sufficiently breathless, but except the obvious remark that it was gruesome, as, on Christmas Eve in an old house, a strange tale should essentially be, I remem
作者:亨利.詹姆斯 Henry James2024-02-07是悲剧三角恋中不可磨灭的一幕,两个贫穷而热情的恋人勾引了一个垂死的女人,希望她能给她们留下自己的财富。故事结束于Kate的一句隐晦的惊叹:我们永远不再是以前的我们了!
作者:亨利.詹姆斯 Henry James2024-02-06作于1874 年,是作者早期具有代表性的作品。主要描绘一个伟大的女性形象,揭示19世纪欧洲夫权体制对女性的压抑。
作者:亨利.詹姆斯 Henry James2024-02-06美国经典文学作品,同时期代表作,小说内容道理深刻。
作者:亨利.詹姆斯 Henry James2024-02-06“Every one asks me what I ‘think’ of everything,” said Spencer Brydon; “and I make answer as I can—begging or dodging the question, putting
作者:亨利.詹姆斯 Henry James2024-02-06The Spoils of Poynton traces the shifting relations among three people and a magnificent collection of art, decorative arts, and furniture arrayed like jewels in a country house
作者:亨利.詹姆斯 Henry James2024-02-06