会员中心 我的书架
Andrew Lang 安德鲁·朗格” 共有 5 部作品
  • Myth, Ritual and Religion

    The word “Religion” may be, and has been, employed in many different senses, and with a perplexing width of significance. No attempt to define the word is likely to be quite satis

    作者:Andrew Lang 安德鲁·朗格2024-02-07
  • The Red Fairy Book 红皮童话书

    IN a second gleaning of the fields of Fairy Land we cannot expect to find a second Perrault. But there are good stories enough left, and it is hoped that some in the Red Fairy Book may have the attra

    作者:Andrew Lang 安德鲁·朗格2024-02-07
  • The Violet Fairy Book

    Andrew Lang's Fairy Books constitute a twelve-book series of fairy tale collections. Although Andrew Lang did not collect the stories himself from the oral tradition, the extent of his sources, who h

    作者:Andrew Lang 安德鲁·朗格2024-02-07
  • The Yellow Fairy Book

    王子和公主,会飞的火龙,吃小孩的巫婆,还有青蛙与鹳鸟。 他们是我乱七八糟的童年里惟一一些和其他女孩子相似的东西。 我看了一遍又一遍。 每一个孩子都应当拥有至少一本童话书, 就像豌豆茎一样,高兴地向上生长。

    作者:Andrew Lang 安德鲁·朗格2024-02-07
  • The Story of Joan of Arc

    May I dedicate this little book to you, who are already a friend of the Maid?

    作者:Andrew Lang 安德鲁·朗格2024-02-06