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Margaret Penrose” 共有 4 部作品
  • Dorothy Dale in the West

    A Surprise Is Coming,“Hooray for the Wild West!”,The “Two-Faced” Man,To Catch the Midnight Express,The Old Lady With the Basket...

    作者:Margaret Penrose2024-02-06
  • The Motor Girls on a Tour30章节

    The big maroon car glided along in such perfect rhythm that Cora Kimball, the fair driver of the Whirlwind, heard scarcely a sound of its mechanical workings.

    作者:Margaret Penrose2024-02-06
  • Dorothy Dale at Glenwood School

    "And you are quite sure, daddy, I am not dreaming? That I am sitting right here with my arms around your neck, and you have just told me it is all perfectly true?"

    作者:Margaret Penrose2024-02-06
  • Dorothy Dale's Great Secret

    “There is one thing perfectly delightful about boarding schools,” declared Tavia, “when the term closes we can go away, and leave it in another world.

    作者:Margaret Penrose2024-02-06