会员中心 我的书架
unknown” 共有 50 部作品
  • The Meaning of Mariah Carey玛丽亚·凯莉的意义

    It took me a lifetime to have the courage and the clarity to write my memoir. I want to tell the story of the moments - the ups and downs, the triumphs and traumas, the debacles and the dreams, that

  • The Hollow空幻之屋


  • Third Girl 第三个女郎

    In this breathtaking Agatha Christie mystery, the Third Girl sharing a London flat with two others announces to Hercule Poirot that she’s a murderer and then disappears. The masterful inves

  • The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding 雪地上的女尸

    In Agatha Christie’s short story, “The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding,” Poirot is asked to attend a Christmas celebration in order to apprehend a jewel-thief who has

  • Last Term at Malory Towers

    In this final book about the girls at Malory Towers, Darrell becomes head girl. Unfortunately not all the girls are as responsible as she is and in her last term Darrell sees many changes in her old

  • 罗尔德·达尔短篇集

    The only hardcover edition of Roald Dahl’s stories for adults, the Collected Stories amply showcases his singular gifts as a fabulist and a born storyteller.Later known for his immortal chi

  • The Kamogawa Food Detectives

    The Kamogawa Food Detectives, translated from Japanese by Jesse Kirkwood, is the first book in the bestselling, mouth-watering Japanese sleuthing series for fans of Before the Coffee Gets Cold. What&

  • 以弗所书 Ephesians

    1:1 [hgb] 奉 神 旨 意 , 作 基 督 耶 稣 使 徒 的 保 罗 , 写 信 给 在 以 弗 所 的 圣 徒 , 就 是 在 基 督 耶 稣 里 有 忠 心 的 人 。 <BR> [kjv] Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, a

  • 歌罗西书 Colossians

    1:1 [hgb] 奉 神 旨 意 , 作 基 督 耶 稣 使 徒 的 保 罗 , 和 兄 弟 提 摩 太 , <BR> [kjv] Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timotheus our brother, <BR> [bbe] Paul, an Apostle of Jesus Chr

  • The Custom of the Country

    &quot;Undine Spragg--how can you?&quot; her mother wailed, raising a prematurely-wrinkled hand heavy with rings to defend the note which a languid &quot;bell-boy&quot; had just brough

  • 腓立比书 Philippians

    1:1 [hgb] 基 督 耶 稣 的 仆 人 保 罗 , 和 提 摩 太 , 写 信 给 凡 住 腓 立 比 , 在 基 督 耶 稣 里 的 众 圣 徒 , 和 诸 位 监 督 , 诸 位 执 事 。 <BR> [kjv] Paul and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Je

  • 启示录 Revelation

    1:1 [hgb] 耶 稣 基 督 的 启 示 , 就 是 神 赐 给 他 , 叫 他 将 必 要 快 成 的 事 指 示 他 的 众 仆 人 。 他 就 差 遣 使 者 , 晓 谕 他 的 仆 人 约 翰 。<BR> [kjv] The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his ser

  • 帖撒罗尼迦前书 1 Thessalonians

    1:1 [hgb] 保 罗 , 西 拉 , 提 摩 太 , 写 信 给 帖 撒 罗 尼 迦 在 父 神 和 主 耶 稣 基 督 里 的 教 会 。 愿 恩 惠 平 安 归 与 你 们 。 <BR> [kjv] Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, unto the church of the Thessalonians which is in God

  • 帖撒罗尼迦后书 2 Thessalonians

    1:1 [hgb] 保 罗 , 西 拉 , 提 摩 太 , 写 信 给 帖 撒 罗 尼 迦 在 神 我 们 的 父 , 与 主 耶 稣 基 督 里 的 教 会 。 <BR> [kjv] Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, unto the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lo

  • 提摩太后书 2 Timothy

    1:1 [hgb] 奉 神 旨 意 , 照 着 在 基 督 耶 稣 里 生 命 的 应 许 , 作 基 督 耶 稣 使 徒 的 保 罗 , <BR> [kjv] Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus,

  • Hepsey Burke

    The noisy, loose-jointed train pulled out of the station, leaving behind it a solitary young man, enveloped in smoke and cinders. In the middle of the platform stood a little building with a curb roo

  • The Wheels of Chance

    If you (presuming you are of the sex that does such things)--if you had gone into the Drapery Emporium--which is really only magnificent for shop--of Messrs. Antrobus &amp; Co.--a perfectly ficti

  • The Glimpses of the Moon

    IT rose for them--their honey-moon--over the waters of a lake sofamed as the scene of romantic raptures that they were ratherproud of not having been afraid to choose it as the setting oftheir own. &

  • The War in the Air

    The reader should grasp clearly the date at which this book was written. It was done in 1907: it appeared in various magazines as a serial in 1908 and it was published in the Fall of that year. At th

  • Negligible Tales

    My name is John Brenwalter. My father, a drunkard, had a patent for an invention, for making coffee-berries out of clay; but he was an honest man and would not himself engage in the manufacture.

  • 尼各马克伦理学 Nicomachean Ethics

    EVERY art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit, is thought to aim at some good; and for this reason the good has rightly been declared to be that at which all things aim. But a c

  • The Nibelungenlied

    The Nibelungenlied is based on pre-Christian Germanic heroic motifs (the &quot;Nibelungensaga&quot;), which include oral traditions and reports based on historic events and individuals of the

  • News from Nowhere

    Written in 1890, at the close of William Morris&amp;#146;s most intense period of political activism, News from Nowhere is a compelling articulation of his mature views on art, work, community, f

  • The Waif of the "Cynthia"

    There is probably neither in Europe nor anywhere else a scholar whose face is more universally known than that of Dr. Schwaryencrona, of Stockholm. His portrait appears on the millions of bottles wit

  • Caleb Williams

    The reputation of WILLIAM GODWIN as a social philosopher, and the merits of his famous novel, &ldquo;Caleb Williams,&rdquo; have been for more than a century the subject of extreme divergenci

  • Topsy-Turvy

    &ldquo;Then Mr Maston, you pretend that a woman has never been able to make mathematical or experimental-science progress?&rdquo; &ldquo;To my extreme regret, I am obliged to, Mrs. Scorbi

  • Ticket No. "9672"

    &quot;What time is it?&quot; inquired Dame Hansen, shaking the ashes from her pipe, the last curling rings from which were slowly disappearing between the stained rafters overhead. &quot;

  • The Underground City

    To Mr. F. R. Starr, Engineer, 30 Canongate, Edinburgh. IF Mr. James Starr will come to-morrow to the Aberfoyle coal-mines, Dochart pit, Yarrow shaft, a communication of an interesting nature will be

  • The Essays of "George Eliot"

    Since the death of George Eliot much public curiosity has been excited by the repeated allusions to, and quotations from, her contributions to periodical literature, and a leading newspaper gives exp

  • Zanoni

    One of the peculiarities of Bulwer was his passion for occult studies. They had a charm for him early in life, and he pursued them with the earnestness which characterised his pursuit of other studie

  • The Essays

    One of the major political figures of his time, Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626) served in the court of Elizabeth I and ultimately became Lord Chancellor under James I in 1617. A scholar, wit, lawyer an

  • The Heir of Redclyffe

    In such pursuits if wisdom lies, Who, Laura, can thy taste despise? --GAY

  • The Serio-Comic Governess

    Nelly O'Neill had her day in those earlier and quieter reaches of the Victorian era when the privilege of microscopic biography was reserved for the great and the criminal classes, and when the Bohem

  • Sally of Missouri

    Steering, of New York Old Bernique, of French St. Louis

  • The Big Bow Mystery

    On a memorable morning of early December, London opened its eyes on a frigid grey mist. There are mornings when King Fog masses his molecules of carbon in serried squadrons in the city, while he scat

  • Scenes And Characters

    Of those who are invited to pay a visit to Beechcroft, there are some who, honestly acknowledging that amusement is their object, will be content to feel with Lilias, conjecture with Jane, and get in

  • The Celtic Twilight

    Time drops in decay Like a candle burnt out. And the mountains and woods Have their day, have their day; But, kindly old rout Of the fire-born moods, You pass not away.

  • The Eyes of the World

    To Benjamin H. Pearson`` Student, Artist, Gentleman in appreciation of the friendship that began on the &quot;Pipe-Line Trail,&quot; at the camp in the sycamores back of the old orchard, and

  • The Calling Of Dan Matthews

    &quot;And because the town of this story is what it is, there came to dwell in it a Spirit--a strange, mysterious power--playful, vicious, deadly; a Something to be at once feared and courted; to

  • Barnaby Rudge

    The late Mr Waterton having, some time ago, expressed his opinion that ravens are gradually becoming extinct in England, I offered the few following words about my experience of these birds.

  • 论语 The Analects


  • Balzac

    The condition of French society in the early half of the nineteenth century &mdash; the period covered by Balzac&rsquo;s novels &mdash; may be compared to that of a people endeavouring to

  • 第二十二条军规 Catch-22


  • Basil

    罗勒是一位重视家庭谱系的父亲的儿子,他的父亲不会让他娶一个配不上他地位的女孩。在公交车上对一个女孩一见钟情。他跟踪她并且发现她是亚麻布店店主玛格丽特&middot;舍温的唯一的女儿。他说服了她的父亲,让她跟他秘密结婚。 Basil (1852) is the second novel written by British author Wilkie Collins, after Anto

  • 漂亮朋友 Bel Ami


  • Beatrix

    B&eacute;atrix is an 1839 novel by French author Honor&eacute; de Balzac (1799&ndash;1850) and included in the Sc&egrave;nes de la vie priv&eacute;e section of his novel sequence

  • The Task

    After the publication of his &ldquo;Table Talk&rdquo; and other poems in March, 1782, William Cowper, in his quiet retirement at Olney, under Mrs. Unwin&rsquo;s care, found a new friend i

  • Taras Bulba

    In Gogol's historical short novel, Taras Bulba, he takes us on a journey into the world of the ancient Ukrainian Cossacks. Taras Bulba, an old Cossack, sends his two sons Andriy and Ostap to study at

  • Two Years Before the Mast

    In 1869, my father, the late Richard Henry Dana, Jr., prepared a new edition of his &ldquo;Two Years Before the Mast&rdquo; with this preface: &ldquo;After twenty-eight years, the copyrig

  • Tales of Science

    ASTOUNDING NEWS BY EXPRESS, VIA NORFOLK! &mdash; The Atlantic Crossed in Three Days! &mdash; Signal Triumph of Mr. Monck Mason&rsquo;s Flying Machine! &mdash; Arrival at Sullivan&
