郑润田 年二十七岁。生于香港。未婚。初学于香港圣斯梯芬学校。宣统二年。游英国。入伦敦大学。宣统三年。入北明翰大学。民国二年。自费。由英赴美。入伊里诺爱大学。习铁路运输科。民国四年。得学士学位。是年回国。为香港某商行经理。住址及通信处。香港康乐道六十五号。
cheng, yun-tin.-born in hongkong, 1890. studied at st. steph-en's college, hongkong, 1904-9; at the university of london, england, 1910-11; at the university of birmingham, england, 1911-13. arrived in america, august, 1913. private support. studied railway transportation at the university of illinois, 1913-15. b.a., 1915. returned to china, october, 1915. export manager, messrs. yee-kee hong, hongkong, 1916.