刘大钧 字季陶。年二十七岁。原籍江苏丹徒。生于淮安。兄大猷。未婚。初学于上海靑年会学校。及北京五城中学。京师大学堂。宣统三年。自费游美。后得半官费。入米西根大学。习经济科。民国四年。得学士学位。被选入某名誉学会。为留美学生会职员。民国四年回国。任江苏省教育会英文书记。民国五年。任北京淸华学校教员。现时通信处。上海白克路久兴里。
lieu, dakuin k.-born in hui-an, kiangsu, 1890. studied at y.m.c.a. school, shanghai, 1906-8; at wu-cheng high school, peking, 1908; at government university, peking, 1910. arrived in america, september, 1911. partial government support. studied economics at the university of michigan, 1911-15. b.a., 1915. elected to phi beta kappa, april, 1915. member and one time officer, chinese students' alliance and michigan chinese students club, 1911-15. returned to china, septem-ber, 1915. english secretary, kiangsu educational association, shanghai, 1915. teacher, tsing hua college, peking, 1916 to date.