刘景山 字竹君。年三十二岁。生于直隶天津。兄景春。业商。本籍住址。天津西头小伙巷九道湾旁。已婚。女三。初学于天津普通学堂。天津府中学堂。北洋大学堂。光緖三十一年。以官费游美。入本薛文尼大学。习经济学。宣统元年。得学士学位。宣统二年。得硕士学位。为留美学生会会计。留美学生月报襄理。宣统二年回国。民国元年。任上海江苏银行稽核。及天津高等商业学校教员。又任烟台海关监督署交涉科科长。民国二年以还。历任交通部统一铁路会计委员会会员。交通部技正。铁路会计司稽核科副科长。交通部佥事。邮政司稽核科科长。给予五等嘉禾章。为北京贫儿院董事。现时住址。北京宣武门外达智桥小六条。
liu, ching-shan.-born in tientsin, 1885. married, 1902. studied at putung school, tientsin, 1901-2; at tientsin high school, tientsin, 1902-3; at peiyang university, tientsin, 1903-5. arrived in america, july, 1905. government support. studied political economy at the university of pennsylvania, 1905-10. b.s., 1909; m.a., 1910. treasurer, chinese students' alliance, 1909-10. returned to china, august, 1910. auditor, kiangsu bank, shanghai, 1912. professor, commercial college, tientsin, 1912. chief, bureau of foreign affairs, chefoo, 1912-13. member of commission on the
unification of railway accounts and statistics, technical expert, and co-director of the bureau of railway accounts. ministry of communications, 1913-16. senior clerk, and director of the bureau of post accounts, ministry of com-munications, 1916 to date. fifth class chia ho decoration. director, peking orphanage.