谢作楷 年三十岁。生于广东新会县。父卓堂。业商。本籍住址。广东新会江门周郡村。已婚。子一女一。初学于香港皇仁书院。任广州圣心书院教员。光緖三十年。以官费游美。入麻省工业学校。习矿业工程及冶金地质等科。光緖三十四年。得学士学位。宣统元年。得硕士学位。为美国矿工程师会会员。任某矿局工程师。民国元年。回国。任北京交通传习所教员。及农林部视察员。又任广东矿务局局长。民国三年。兼广东电力公司协理。现时住址。广州仰忠街三十五号。
tse, tsok-kai.-born in hsiu-hui, kwangtung, 1887. married. studied at queen's college, hongkong, 1898-1903. teacher, sacred heart college, canton, 1904. arrived in america, july, 1904. government support. studied mining engineering and metallurgy at massachusetts institute of technology, 1904-9. b.s., 1908; m.s., 1909. member, institute of mining engineers, 1909. mining engineer, vulture mining co., 1909-11. returned to china, february, 1911. instructor, college of communications, peking, 1912. inspector, ministry of agriculture and forestry, 1912. director, mining bureau, canton, 1912-15. assistant manager, canton electrical co., 1914 to date.