薛永黍 年二十七岁。生于福建金门。兄永石永岱。业商。未婚。初学于菲律宾。及福州英华书院。宣统二年。自费游美。入提顿学校。及威斯林学校。宣统三年。入米西根大学。习教育。民国四年。得学士学位。为世界会书记。中国学生会书记。留美学生月报编辑。民国五年。回国。任厦门寻源书院教员。现时通信处。福建厦门寻源书院。
sy, eng-su.-born in kimmoy, fukien, 1890. studied at private schools at kimmoy, 1899-1903; at cebu chinese school, cebu, p. i., 1903-6; at anglo-chinese college, foochow, 1906-10. arrived in america, february, 1910. private support. prepared for college at tilton seminary, 1910; at wesleyan academy, 1910-11. studied education at the university of michigan, 1911-15. b.a., 1915. secretary, cosmopolitan club and chinese students' club, 1915. associate editor, chinese students' monthly, 1915. returned to china, december, 1916. teacher, talmage college, amoy, 1916 to date.