颜惠庆 字骏人。年四十一岁。生于江苏上海。子二。女一。初学于上海圣约翰大学。中西书院。及同文书院。光緖二十一年。自费游美。入教会高等学校。光緖二十三年。入勿吉尼亚大学。习普通文科及法律。光緖二十六年。得学士学位。被选入某名誉学会。以英文辩论及学绩等。得金牌奖。为黑濑文学会书记。光緖二十六年回国。任上海圣约翰大学教员。光緖三十二年。任南方报编辑。光緖三十三年。任上海商务印书馆英文编辑。宣统三年。任外务部参议。署游美学务处总办。民国二年至六年。任驻德国公使。给予二等大绶嘉禾章。为中国教育会。靑年会。寰球中国学生会。美京世界会会员。著有英华大字典等多种。均上海商务印书馆出版。现时通信处。德国柏林中国使馆。
yen, w. w.-born in shanghai, 1876. married, 1911. studied at st. john's university and at anglo-chinese college, shanghai, 1891-93; at tung wen college, shanghai, 1893-95. arrived in america, december, 1895. private support. prepared for college at episcopal high school, 1895-97. studied liberal arts and law at the university of virginia, 1897-1900. b.a., 1900. elected to phi beta kappa, june, 1909. awarded gold medals and other prizes for english composition, debate and general proficiency, june, 1897. member and secretary, blackford literary society, 1896-97. returned to china, august, 1900. teacher, st. john's university, shanghai, 1900-7. english editor, commercial press, shanghai, 1907-9. councillor, ministry of foreign affairs, 1911. minister to berlin, 1913 to date. second class ta shu chia ho decoration. member: educational
society, y.m.c.a. and world's chinese students' federation, shanghai; cosmos clnb, washington; etc. author, auglo-chinese dictionaries.