关恩佐 年三十一岁。生于广东广州。已婚。子一。初学于广州培英学校。毕业于岭南学校。任岭南学校教员。光緖三十四年。自费游美。入哈法佛学校。习普通文科。宣统二年。入哥仑比亚大学。习经济及教育。民国元年。得学士学位。是年回国。任岭南学校教员。为岭南学报编辑。现时通信处。广东广州岭南学校。
kwan, yan-cho.-born in canton, 1886. married, 1913. studied at pei-ying school, canton, 1897-1900; at canton christian college, 1901-8. graduated with honor, 1906. instructor in english, canton christian college, 1906. arrived in america, september, 1908. private support. studied liberal arts at haverford college, 1908-10; economics and education at columbia university, 1910-12. b.s., 1912. returned to china, septem-ber, 1912. instructor, canton christian college, 1912 to date. editor, canton christian college magazine, 1916.