谭怀 字中慧。年三十一岁。生于广东香山。父堃。业商。永久通信处。天津河北三马路四千四百四十二号。已婚。女一。初学于檀香山鄂湖学校。任檀香山中国报访员及翻译。光緖三十三年。自费游美。后得官费一年。初入康奈尔大学。宣统元年。任美国工商部事。宣统三年。入纽约大学。民国二年。得学士学位。为美国银行学会会员。留美学生月报襄理。历在各大银行。实习银行营业。民国四年回国。任北京交通总银行英文书记。民国五年。任财政部编译报告处助理员。财政部公债司办事员。现时通信处。北京靑年会。
tam, w. way.-born in hsiangshan, kwangtung, 1886. married, 1915. studied at oahu college, honolulu, t. h. translator and reporter, the hawaiian chinese news, 1902-5. arrived in america, december, 1907. partial government support. studied liberal arts at cornell university, 1908-9; commerce at new york university, 1909-13. joined u. s. depart-ment of commerce and labor, 1909-10. b.c.s., n. y., 1913. member, american bankers' association, 1913. manager, chinese students' monthly, 1910-11. made special study of the practical working of banks at the bank of coney island, corn exchange bank, columbia trust company and guaranty trust company of new york, 1913-14. returned to china, march, 1915. english secretary, bank of communications, peking, 1915. member, ministry of finance, 1916 to date.