顾维钧 字绍川。年三十岁。生于江苏上海。父溶。已婚。子一。永久住址。上海成都路东升里。初学于上海中西书院。王氏育材学塾。及圣约翰大学。为龙报编辑。光緖三十年。自费游美。入苦克学校。光緖三十一年。入哥仑比亚大学。习普通文科。光緖三十四年。得学士学位。专习政治学及国际法。宣统元年。得硕士学位。民国元年。著寓华外人传志。得博士学位。被选入美国国际法学会。美国政治学会。及某某等三名誉学会。得文学奖品。哥仑比亚康奈尔辩论优胜奖牌。为校中辩论团团员。哥仑比亚旁观报。留美学生月报。留美学生年报等编辑。为哥仑比亚报哥仑比亚月报等经理。民国元年。回国。任国务院秘书。外交部参事及秘书。大总统府秘书。民国四年。任驻墨西哥公使。旋任驻美公使。现仍在职。民国五年。经耶路大学。赠与文学博士学位。给予二等嘉禾章。经俄国给与二等宝星。为哥仑比亚协会会员。又为京兆会会员。撰国家建设论。载约翰霍布根校刋。又撰中国商业之机会。载某会会报。在美以演说著。国内通信处。北京煤渣胡同。
koo, vikyuin wellington.-born in shanghai, 1887. married, 1913. studied at anglo-chinese college, shanghai, 1899-1900; at yu-tsai school, shanghai, 1900-1; at st. john's university, shanghai, 1901-4. was editor of the dragon. arrived in america, october, 1904. private support. prepared for college at cook academy, 1904-5. studied liberal arts at columbia university, 1905-8; political science, 1901-12. a.b., 1908; a.m., 1909; ph.d., 1912. subject of doctor's dissertation:-the status of aliens in china," macmillan & co., 1912. member: american society of international law; american political science assciation. elected to the nacoms, the blue pencil, and delta epsilon rho, 1911. recipient of the philolescean literary prize, the columbia-cornell debating medal, etc. member, varsity debating team, 1906-7. editor: columbia spectator; the chinese students' monthly; the chinese students annual; etc. manager: the columbian; the columbia monthly; etc. returned to china, april, 1912. secretary of the cabinet, 1912. secretary and councillor, ministry of foreign affairs, 1912-13. secretary to the president, 1912-15. minister to mexico, 1915. minister to the united states and cuba, 1915 to date. ll. d., yale, 1916. decorations: second chia ho of china and second class st. anna of russia. member: columbia union club, 1915; metropolitan, 1916. author, "the building of a nation," john's hopkins university circular; "trade opportunities in china," journal of the aciotic society, 1916; etc. a very popular speaker in america.