far below them, in the city of new york, something like pandemonium was breaking out. a greatround ball as big as a house had been sighted hovering high up in the sky over the very centre ofmanhattan, and the cry had gone up that it was an enormous bomb sent over by another country toblow the whole city to smithereens. air-raid sirens began wailing in every section. all radio andtelevision programmes were interrupted with announcements that the population must go down intotheir cellars immediately. one million people walking in the streets on their way to work looked up intothe sky and saw the monster hovering above them, and started running for the nearest subway entranceto take cover. generals grabbed hold of telephones and shouted orders to everyone they could think of.
the mayor of new york called up the president of the united states down in washington, d.c., to askhim for help, and the president, who at that moment was having breakfast in his pyjamas, quicklypushed away his half-finished plate of sugar crisps and started pressing buttons right and left tosummon his admirals and his generals. and all the way across the vast stretch of america, in all thefifty states from alaska to florida, from pennsylvania to hawaii, the alarm was sounded and the wordwent out that the biggest bomb in the history of the world was hovering over new york city, and thatat any moment it might go off.