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A Journey into the Interior of the Earth

A Journey into the Interior of the Earth
字数:234402 字
浏览数:156 次
收录时间:2024-02-06 21:34:13


"A Journey to the Interior of the Earth" is Jules Verne's classic science fiction adventure about Professor Liedenbrock and his nephew Axel who discover an ancient document written by an Icelandic adventurer who went to the center of the earth many years before. Being the ever-ardent discoverer and scientist, Professor Liedenbrock immediately sets off to Iceland, taking Axel along with him. Together with their guide, Hans, they enter the weird and wonderful world deep beneath the surface of the earth. They have to endure many dangers along the way, frequently threatening to bring their journey to an abrupt end and leave them to die in a place where no one will ever find them. Will the three adventurers be able to survive all the perils of this concealed world and live to tell their tale?

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