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The Elephant in Favour

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once upon a time the elephant stood high in the good graces of the lion. the forest immediately began to talk of the matter, and, as usual, many guesses were made as to the means by which the elephant had gained such favour.

"it is no beauty," say the beasts to each other, "and it is not amusing; and what habits it has! what manners!"

says the fox, whisking about his brush, "if it had possessed such a bushy tail as mine, i should not have wondered."

"or, sister," says the bear, "if it had gotten into favour on account of its claws, no one would have found the matter at all extraordinary; but it has no claws at all, as we all know well."

"isn't it its tusks that have gotten it into favour?" thus the ox broke in upon their conversation. "haven't they, perhaps, been mistaken for horns."

"is it possible," said the ass, shaking its ears, "that you don't know how it has succeeded in making itself liked, and in becoming distinguished? why, i have guessed the reason! if it hadn't been remarkable for its long ears, it would never in the world have gotten into favour."

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