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Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders
字数:139866 字
浏览数:138 次
收录时间:2024-02-06 21:45:51


Gold Idols. Underground city. Savages. Lions. Tigers. Bears. Giant Alligators. Giant Mosquitoes. Wealth, Fame, Glory and Excitement: Tom's experience is put to the test to liberate a huge Gold Idol and offer it as a special gift to his girl friend - but there is a rival team looking for the same Idol - and Tom must put them in their place! Tom Swift, the inspirational boyhood hero of Steve Wozniak and Isaac Asimov, is an all-American young inventor in his teens. These fantastic and future-predicting stories are VERY alive today. Swift was modeled after the entrepreneurial and inventive geniuses Henry Ford and Thomas Edison, who both changed our world more than any other two people. Like Arthur C. Clarke, Swift invented or predicted many modern discoveries including the Taser, camcorder, video-phone, electric car, and several others. Join Tom as he battles international terrorists and criminal syndicates!

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