会员中心 我的书架

Luck on the Wing

Luck on the Wing
字数:241231 字
浏览数:72 次
收录时间:2024-02-07 13:30:45


If any one should be interested enough to inquire as to the reason for my becoming a sky spy, an a?rial observer, a deuce, or whatever one chooses to call it, I should certainly speak the truth and affirm that it was not the result of calm, cool and deliberate thought. I have always had a holy horror of airplanes and to this day I cannot say that I exactly enjoy riding in them. My sole reason for flying now is that I am still in the Air Service and there is not an excuse in the world for a young man being an air officer if he does not spend a part of his time in that element. Every boy in his own heart wants to be a soldier whether his mother raises him that way or not: as a boy and as a man I wanted to be an infantryman.

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