treatifes writ by the fame author, moft of them mentioned in the following discourfes; which will be fpeedily publifhed.
a character of the prefent set of wits in this ifland.
a panegyrical effay upon the number three.
a differtation upon the principal productions of grub-ftree.
lectures upon the diffection of human nature.
a panegyrick upon the world.
an analytical difcourfe upon zeal, hiftori-theo-phyfi-logically confidered.
a general hiftory of ears.
a modeft defence of the proceedings of the rabble in all ages.
a defcription of the kingdom of abfurdities.
a voyage into england, by a perfon of quality in terra auftralis incognita, tranflated from the original.
a critical effay upon the art of canting, philofophically, phyfically, and mufically confidered.