会员中心 我的书架

Chapter 3 The Story:Who Moved My Cheese?

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once, long ago in a land far away, there lived four little characters who ran through a maze lookingfor cheese to nourish them and make them happy.

two were mice named "sniff" and "scurry" and two were littlepeople - beings who were as small asmice but who looked and acted a lot like people today. their names were "hem" and "haw".

due to their small size, it would be easy not to notice what the four of them were doing. but if youlooked closely enough, you could discover the most amazing things!

every day the mice and the littlepeople spent time in the maze looking for their own special cheese.

the mice, sniff and scurry, possessing only simple rodent brains, but good instincts, searched forthe hard nibbling cheese they likes, as mice often do.

the two littlepeople, hem and haw, used their brains, filled with many beliefs, to search for a verydifferent kind of cheese - with a capital c - which they believed would make them feel happy andsuccessful.

as different as the mice and littlepeople were, they shared something in common; every morning,they each put on their jogging suits and running shoes, left their little homes, and raced out into themaze looking for their favourite cheese.

the maze was a labyrinth of corridors and chambers, some containing delicious cheese. but therewere also dark corners and blind alleys leading nowhere. it was an easy place for anyone to getlost.

however, for those who found their way, the maze held secrets that led them enjoy a better life.

the mice, sniff and scurry, used the simple, but inefficient, trial-and-error method of findingcheese. they ran down one corridor and if it proved empty, they turned and ran down another.

sniff would smell out the general direction of the cheese, using his great nose, and scurry wouldrace ahead. they got lost, as you might expect, went off in the wrong direction and often bumpedinto walls.

however, the two littlepeople, hem and haw used a different method that relied on their ability tothink and learn from their past experiences, although, they would sometimes get confused by theirbeliefs and emotions.

eventually in their own way, they all discovered what they were looking for - they each found theirown kind of cheese one day at the end of one of the corridors in cheese station c.

every morning after that, the mice and the littlepeople dressed in their running gear and headedover to cheese station c. it wasn't long before they each established their own routine.

sniff and scurry continued to wake early every day and race through the maze, always following thesame route.

when they arrived at their destination, the mice took off their running shoes, tied them together andhung them around their necks - so they could get to them quickly whenever they needed them again.

then they enjoyed the cheese.

in the beginning hem and haw also raced toward cheese station c every morning to enjoy the tastynew morsels that awaited them.

but after a while, a different routine set in for the littlepeople.

hem and haw awoke each day a little later, dressed a little slower, and walked to cheese station c.

after all, they knew where the cheese was now and how to get there.

they had no idea where the cheese came from, or who put it there. they just assumed it would bethere.

as soon as hem and haw arrived at cheese station c each morning, they settled in and madethemselves at home. they hung up their jogging suits, put away their running shoes and put ontheir slippers. they were becoming very comfortable now that they had found the cheese.

"this is great," hem said. "there's enough cheese here to last us forever." the littlepeople felthappy and successful, and thought they were now secure.

it wasn't long before hem and haw regarded the cheese they found at the cheese station c as theircheese. it was such a large store of cheese that they eventually moved their homes to be closer toit, and built a social life around it.

to make themselves feel more at home, hem and haw decorated the walls with sayings and evendrew pictures of cheese around them which made them smile. one read:

having cheese makes you happy.

sometimes hem and haw would take their friends by to see their pile of cheese at cheese station c,and point to it with pride, saying, "pretty nice cheese, huh?" sometimes they shared it with theirfriends and sometimes they didn't.

"we deserve this cheese," hem said. "we certainly had to work long and hard enough to find it."he picked up a nice fresh piece and ate it.

afterwards, hem fell asleep, as he often did.

every night the littlepeople would waddle home, full of cheese, and every morning they wouldconfidently return for more.

they went on for quite some time.

after a while hem's and haw's confidence grew into arrogance. soon they became so comfortablethey didn't even notice what was happening.

as time went on, sniff and scurry continued their routine. they arrived early each morning andsniffed and scratched and scurried around cheese station c, inspecting the area to see if there hadbeen any changes from the day before. then they would sit down to nibble on the cheese.

one morning they arrived at cheese station c and discovered there was no cheese.

they weren't surprised. since sniff and scurry had noticed the supply of cheese had been gettingsmaller every day, they were prepared for the inevitable and knew instinctively what to do.

they looked at each other, removed the running shoes they had tied together and hung convenientlyaround their necks, put them on their feet and laced them up.

the mice did not overanalyze things. and they were not burdened with many complex beliefs.

to the mice, the problem and the answer were both simple. the situation at cheese station c hadchanged. so, sniff and scurry decided to change.

they both looked out into the maze. then sniff lifted his nose, sniffed and nodded to scurry, whotook off running through the maze while sniff followed as fast as he could.

they were quickly off in search of new cheese.

later that same day, hem and haw arrived at cheese station c. they had not been payingattention to the small changes that had been taking place each day, so they took it for granted theircheese would be there.

they were unprepared for what they found.

"what! no cheese?" hem yelled. he continued yelling, "no cheese? no cheese?" as though ifhe shouted loud enough someone would put it back.

"who moved my cheese?" he hollered.

finally, he put his hands on his hips, his face turned red, and he screamed at the top of his voice,"it's not fair!" haw just shook his head in disbelief. he, too, had counted on finding cheese at cheese station c.

he stood there for a long time, frozen with shock. he was just not ready for this.

hem was yelling something, but haw didn't want to hear it. he didn't want to deal with what wasfacing him, so he just tuned everything out.

the littlepeople's behavoir was not very attractive or productive but it was understandable.

finding cheese wasn't easy, and it meant a great deal more to the littlepeople than just havingenough of it to eat every day.

finding cheese was the littlepeoples' way of getting what they though they needed to be happy.

they had their own ideas of what cheese meant to them, depending on their taste.

for some, finding cheese was having material things. for others it was enjoying good health, ordeveloping a spiritual sense of well-being.

for haw, cheese just meant feeling safe, having a loving family someday and living in a cozycottage on cheddar lane.

to hem, cheese was becoming a big cheese in charge of others and owning a big house atopcamembert hill.

because cheese was important to them, the two littlepeople spent a long time trying to decide whatto do. all they could think of was to keep looking around cheeseless station c to see if the cheesewas really gone.

while sniff and scurry had quickly moved on, hem and haw continued to hem and haw.

they ranted and raved at the injustice of it all. haw started to get depressed. what would happenif the cheese wasn't there tomorrow? he had made future plans based on this cheese.

the little people couldn't believe it. how could this have happened? no one had warned them. itwasn't right. it was not the way things were supposed to be.

hem and haw went home that night hungry and discouraged. but before they left, haw wrote onthe wall :

the more important your cheese is to you the more you want to hold on to it.

the next day hem and haw left their homes, and returned to cheese station c again, where theystill expected, somehow, to find their cheese.

the situation hadn't changed, the cheese was no longer there. the littlepeople didn't know what todo. hem and haw just stood there, immobilized like two statues.

haw shut his eyes as tight as he could and put his hands over his ears. he just wanted to blockeverything out. he didn't want to know the cheese supply had gradually been getting smaller. hebelieved it had been moved all of a sudden.

hem analyzed the situation over and over and eventually his complicated brain with its huge beliefsystem took hold, "why did they do this to me?" he demanded. "what's really going on here?"finally, haw opened his eyes, looked around and said, "by the way, where are sniff and scurry?

do you think they know something we don't?"hem scoffed, "what would they know?"hem continued, "they're just simple mice. they just respond to what happens. we're littlepeople.

we're special. we should be able to figure this out. and, besides, we deserve better.

"this should not happen to us, and if it does, we should at least get some benefits.""why should we get benefits?" haw asked.

"because we're entitled," hem claimed.

"entitled to what?" haw wanted to know.

"we're entitled to our cheese." "why?" haw asked.

"because, we didn't cause this problem." hem said. "somebody else did this and we should getsomething out of it."haw suggested, "maybe we should stop analyzing the situation so much and just get along and findsome new cheese.""oh no," hem argued. "i'm going to get to the bottom of this."while hem and haw were still trying to decide what to do, sniff and scurry were already well ontheir way. they went farther into the maze, up and down corridors, looking for cheese in everycheese station they could find.

they didn't think of anything else but finding new cheese.

they didn't find any for sometime until they finally went into an area of the maze where they hadnever been before: cheese station n.

they squealed with delight. they found what they had been looking for: a great supply of newcheese.

they could hardly believe their eyes. it was the biggest store of cheese the mice had ever seen.

in the meantime, hem and haw were still back in cheese station c evaluation their situation. theywere now suffering from the effects of having no cheese. they were becoming frustrated andangry and were blaming each other for the situation they were in.

now and then haw thought about his mice buddies, sniff and scurry, and wondered if they hadfound any cheese yet. he believed they might be having a hard time, as running through the mazeusually involved some uncertainty. but he also knew that it was likely to only last for a while.

sometimes, haw would imagine sniff and scurry finding new cheese and enjoying it. he thoughtabout how good it would be for him to be out on an adventure in the maze, and to find fresh newcheese. he could almost taste it.

the more clearly haw saw the image of himself finding and enjoying the new cheese, the more hesaw himself leaving cheese station c.

"let's go!" he exclaimed, all of a sudden.

"no," hem quickly responded. "i like it here. it's comfortable. it's what i know. besides it'sdangerous out there.""no it isn't," haw argued. "we've run through many parts of the maze before, and we can do itagain.""i'm getting too old for that," hem said. "and i'm afraid i'm not interested in getting lost and makinga fool of myself. are you?"with that, haw's fear of failing returned and his hope of finding new cheese faded.

so every day, the littlepeople continued to do what they had done before. they went to cheesestation c, found no cheese, and returned home, carrying their worried and frustrations with them.

they tried to deny what was happening, but found it harder to get to sleep, had less energy the nextday, and were becoming irritable.

their homes were not the nurturing places they once were. the littlepeople had difficulty sleepingand were having nightmares about not finding any cheese.

but hem and haw still returned to cheese station c and waited there every day.

hem said, "you know, if we just work harder we'll find that nothing has really changed that much.

the cheese is probably nearby. maybe they just hid it behind the wall."the next day, hem and haw returned with tools. hem held the chisel while haw banged on thehammer until they made a hole in the wall of cheese station c. they peered inside but found nocheese.

they were disappointed but believed they could solve the problem. so they started earlier, stayedlonger, and worked harder. but after a while, all they had was a large hole in the wall.

haw was beginning to realize the difference between activity and productivity.

"maybe," hem said, "we should just sit here and see what happens. sooner or later they have toput the cheese back."haw wanted to believe that. so each day he went home to rest and returned reluctantly with hemto cheese station c. but cheese never reappeared.

by now the littlepeople were growing weak from hunger and stress. haw was getting tired of justwaiting for their situation to improve. he began to see that the longer they stayed in theircheeseless situation, the worse off they would be.

haw knew they were losing their edge.

finally, one day haw began laughing at himself. "haw, haw, look at me. i keep doing the samethings over and over again and wonder why things don't get better. if this wasn't so ridiculous, itwould be even funnier."haw did not like the idea of having to run through the maze again, because he knew he would getlost and have no idea where he would find any cheese. but he had to laugh at his folly when hesaw what his fear was doing to him.

he asked hem, "where did we put our jogging suits and running shoes?" it took a long time to findthem because they had put everything away when they found their cheese at cheese station c,thinking they wouldn't be needing them anymore.

as hem saw his friend getting into his running gear, he said, "you're not really going out into themaze again, are you? why don't you just wait here with me until they put the cheese back?""because, you just don't get it," haw said. "i didn't want to see it either, but how i realize they'renever going to put the old cheese back. that was yesterday's cheese. it's time to find newcheese."hem argued, "but what if there is no cheese out there? or even if there is, what if you don't find it?""i don't know," haw said. he had asked himself those same questions too many times and startedto feel the fears again that kept him where he was.

then he though about finding new cheese and all the good things that came with it and gathered hiscourage.

"sometimes," haw said, "things change and they are never the same again. this looks like one ofthose times, hem. that's life! life moves on. and so should we."haw looked at his emaciated companion and tried to talk sense to him, but hem's fear had turnedinto anger and he wouldn't listen.

haw didn't mean to be rude to his friend, but he had to laugh at how silly they both looked.

as haw prepared to leave, he started to feel more alive, knowing that he was finally able to laugh athimself, let go and move on.

he announced, "it's maze time!"hem didn't laugh and he didn't respond.

haw picked up a small, sharp rock and wrote a serious thought on the wall for hem to think about.

as was his custom, haw even drew a picture of cheese around it, hoping it would help hem to smile,lighten up, and go after the new cheese. but hem didn't want to see it.

it read:

if you do not change, you can become extinct.

then, haw stuck his head out and peered anxiously into the maze. he thought about how he'dgotten himself into this cheeseless situation.

he had believed that there may not be any cheese in the maze, or he may not find it. such fearfulbeliefs were immobilizing and killing him.

haw smiled. he knew hem was wondering, "who moved my cheese?" but haw was wondering,"why didn't i get up and move with the cheese sooner?"as he started out into the maze, haw looked back to where he had come from and felt its comfort.

he could feel himself being drawn back into familiar territory - even though he hadn't found cheesethere for some time.

haw became more anxious and wondered if he really wanted to go out into the maze. he wrote asaying on the wall ahead of him and stared at it for some time:

what would you do if you weren't afraid?

he thought about it.

he knew sometimes some fear can be good. when you are afraid things are going to get worse, ifyou don't do something, it can prompt you into an action. but it is not good when you are afraidthat it keeps you from doing anything.

he looked to his right, to the part of the maze where he had never been, and felt the fear.

then, he took a deep breath, turned right into the maze, and jogged slowly, into the unknown.

as he tried to find his way, haw worried, at first, that he might have waited too long in cheesestation c. he hadn't had any cheese for so long that he was now weak. it took him longer and itwas more painful than usual to get through the maze. he decided that if he ever got the chanceagain, he would adapt to change sooner. it would make things easier.

then, haw smiled a weak smile as he thought, "better late than never." during the next several days, haw found a little cheese here and there, but nothing that lasted verylong. he had hoped to find enough cheese to take some back to hem and encourage him to comeout into the maze.

but haw didn't feel confident enough yet. he had to admit, he found it confusing in the maze.

things seemed to have changed since the last time he was out here.

just when he thought he was getting ahead, he would get lost in the corridors. it seemed hisprogress was two steps forward and one step backwards. it was a challenge, but he had to admitthat being back in the maze, hunting for cheese wasn't nearly as bad as he feared it might be.

as time went on he began to wonder if it was realistic for him to expect to find new cheese. hewondered if he had bitten off more than he could chew. then he laughed, realizing that he hadnothing to chew on at the moment.

whenever he started to get discouraged he reminded himself that what he was doing, asuncomfortable as it was at the moment, was in reality much better than staying in the chesselesssituation. he was taking control, rather than simply letting things happen to him.

then he reminded himself, if sniff and scurry could move on, so could he!

later, as haw looked back on things, he realized that the cheese at cheese station c had not justdisappeared overnight, as he had once thought. the amount of cheese that had been there towardthe end had been getting smaller and what was left had grown old. it didn't taste as good.

mold may even have begun to grow on the old cheese, although he hadn't noticed it. he had toadmit however, that if he had wanted to, he probably could have seen what was coming. but hedidn't.

haw now realized that the change probably would not have taken him by surprise if he had beenwatching what was happening all long and if he had anticipated change. maybe that's what sniffand scurry had been doing.

he stopped for a rest and wrote on the wall of the maze :

smell the cheese often so you know when it is getting old.

sometime later, after not finding cheese for what seemed like a long time, haw finally came acrossa huge cheese station which looked promising. when he went inside, however, he was mostdisappointed to discover that the cheese station was empty.

"this empty feeling has happened to me too often," he thought. he felt like giving up.

haw was losing his physical strength. he knew he was lost and was afraid he would not survive.

he thought about turning around and heading back to cheese station c. at least, if he made it back,and hem was still there, haw wouldn't be alone. then he asked himself the same question, again:

"what would i do if i weren't afraid?"he was afraid more often than he liked to admit, even to himself. he wasn't always sure what hewas afraid of, but, in his weakened condition, he knew now he was simply fearful of going on alone.

haw didn't know it, but he was running behind because he was weighed down by fearful beliefs.

haw wondered if hem had moved on, or if he was still paralysed by his fears. then, hawremembered the times when he had felt his best in the maze. it was when he was moving along.

he wrote on the wall, knowing it was as much a reminder to himself as it was a marking for hisbuddy hem, hopefully, to follow :

movement in a new direction helps you find new cheese.

haw looked down the dark passageway and was aware of his fear. what lay ahead? was itempty? or worse, were there dangers lurking? he began to imagine all kinds of frightening thingsthat could happen to him. he was scaring himself to death.

then he laughed at himself. he realized his fears were making things worse. so he did what hewould do if he wasn't afraid. he moved in a new direction.

as he started running down the dark corridor he began to smile. haw didn't realize it yet, but hewas discovering what nourished his soul. he was letting go and trusting what lay ahead for him,even though he did not know exactly what it was.

to his surprise, haw started to enjoy himself more and more. "why do i feel so good?" hewondered. "i don't have any cheese and i don't know where i am going."before long, he knew why he felt good.

he stopped to write again on the wall :

when you move beyond your fear, you feel free.

haw realized he had been held captive by his own fear. moving in a new direction had freed him.

now he felt the cool breeze that was blowing in this part of the maze and it was refreshing. hetook in some deep breaths and felt invigorated by the movement. once he had gotten past his fear,it turned out to be more enjoyable than he once believed it could be.

haw hadn't felt this way for a long time. he had almost forgotten how much fun it was.

to make things even better, haw started to paint a picture in his mind. he saw himself in greatrealistic detail, sitting in the middle of a pile of all his favourite cheeses - from cheddar to brie!

he saw himself eating the many cheeses he likes, and he enjoyed what he saw. then he imaginedhow much he would enjoy all the great tastes.

the more clearly he saw the imagine of new cheese, the more real it became, and the more hecould sense that he was going to find it.

he wrote:

imagining myself enjoying new cheese even before i find it, leads me to it.

"why didn't i do this before?" haw asked himself.

then he raced through the maze the greater strength and agility. before long he spotted a cheesestation and became excited as he noticed little pieces of new cheese near the entrance.

they were types of cheeses he had never seen before, but they looked great. he tried them andfound that they were delicious. he ate most of the new cheese bits that were available and put afew in his pocket to have later and perhaps share with hem. he began to regain his strength.

he entered the cheese station with great excitement. but, to his dismay, he found it was empty.

somehow had already been there and had left only the few bits of new cheese.

he realized that if he had moved sooner, he would very likely have found a good deal of newcheese here.

haw decided to go back and see if hem was ready to join him.

as he retraced his stops, he stopped and wrote on the wall :

the quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you find new cheese.

after a while haw made his way back to cheese station c and found hem. he offered hem bits ofnew cheese, but was turned down.

hem appreciated his friend's gesture but said, "i don't think i would like new cheese. it's not whati'm used to. i want my own cheese back and i'm not going to change until i get what i want."haw just shook his head in disappointment and reluctantly went back out on his own. as hereturned to the farthest point he had reached in the maze, he missed his friend, but realized he likedwhat he was discovering. even before he found what he hoped would be a great supply of newcheese, if ever, he knew that what made him happy wasn't just having cheese.

he was happy when he wasn't being run by his fear. he liked what he was doing now.

knowing this, haw didn't feel as weak as he did when he stayed in cheese station c with no cheese.

just realizing he was not letting his fear stop him and knowing that he had taken a new directionnourished him and gave him strength.

now he felt that it was just a question of time before he found what he needed. in fact, he sensedhe had already found what he was looking for.

he smiled as he realized:

it is safer to search in the maze than remain in a cheeseless situation.

haw realised again, as he had once before, that what you are afraid of is never as bad as what youimagine. the fear you let build up in your mind is worse than the situation that actually exits.

he's been so afraid of never finding new cheese that he didn't even want to start looking. butsince starting his journey he had found enough cheese in the corridors to keep him going. now helooked forward to finding more. just looking ahead was becoming exciting.

his old thinking had been clouded by his worries and fears. he used to think about not havingenough cheese, or not having it last as long as he wanted. he used to think more about what couldgo wrong than what could go right.

but that had changed in the days since he had left cheese station c.

he used to believe that cheese should never be moved and that change wasn't right.

now he realized it was natural for change to continually occur, whether you expect it or not.

change could surprise you only if you didn't expect it and weren't looking for it.

when he realized he had changed his beliefs, he paused to write on the wall :

old beliefs do not lead you to new cheese.

haw hadn't found any cheese yet but, as he ran through the maze, he thought about what he hadalready learned.

how now realized that his new beliefs were encouraging new behaviors. he was behavingdifferently than when he kept returning to the same cheeseless station.

he knew when you change what you believe, you change what you do.

you can believe that a change will harm you and resist it. or you can believe that finding newcheese will help you to embrace the changed.

it all depends on what you choose to believe.

he wrote on the wall :

when you see that you can find and enjoy new cheese, you change course.

haw knew he would be in a better shape now if he had embraced the changed much sooner and leftcheese station c earlier. he would feel stronger in body and spirit and he could have coped betterwith the challenge of finding new cheese. in fact, he probably would have found it by now if hehad expected change, rather than wasting time denying that the change had already taken place.

he gathered his will and decided to keep proceeding into the newer parts of the maze. he foundlittle bits of cheese here and there and began to regain his strength and confidence.

as he thought back on where he had come from, haw was glad he had written on the wall in manyplaces. he trusted it would serve as a marked trail for hem to follow through the maze, if he choseto leave cheese station c.

he just hoped he was heading in the right direction. he thought about the possibility that hemwould read the handwriting on the wall and find his way.

he wrote on the wall what he had been thinking about for some time :

noticing small changes early helps you adapt to the bigger changes that areto come.

by now, haw had let go of the past and was adapting to the future.

he continued on through the maze with greater strength and speed. and before long, it happened.

when it seemed like he had been in the maze forever, his journey - or at least this part of hisjourney - ended quickly and happily.

haw found new cheese at cheese station n!

when he went inside, he was startled by what he saw. piled high everywhere was the greatestsupply of cheese he had ever seen. he didn't recognize all that he saw, as some kinds of cheesewere new to him.

then he wondered for a moment whether it was real or just his imagination, until he saw his oldfriends sniff and scurry.

sniff welcomed haw with a nod of his head, and scurry waved his paw. their fat little belliesshowed that they had been here for some time.

haw quickly said his hellos and soon took bites of every one of his favorite cheeses. he pulled offhis shoes and jogging suit and folded them neatly nearby in case he needed them again. then hejumped into the new cheese. when he had eaten his fill, he lifted a piece of fresh cheese andmade a toast. "hooray for change!"as haw enjoyed the new cheese, he reflected on what he had learned.

he realized that when he had been afraid to change he had been holding on to the illusion of oldcheese that was no longer there.

so what was it made him change? was it the fear of starving to death? haw thought, "well, thathelped." then he laughed and realized that he had started to change as soon as he had learned to laugh athimself and at what he had been doing wrong. he realized the fastest way to change is to laugh atyour own folly - then you can let go and quickly move on.

he knew he had learned something useful about moving on from his mice buddies, sniff and scurry.

they kept life simple. they didn't overanalyze or overcomplicate things. when the situationchanged and the cheese had been moved, they changed and moved with the cheese. he wouldremember that.

then haw used his wonderful brain to do what littlepeople do better than mice.

he reflected on the mistakes he had made in the past and used them to plan for his future. heknew that you could learn to deal with change:

you could be more aware of the need to keep things simple, be flexible, and move quickly.

you did not need to overcomplicate matters or confuse yourself with fearful beliefs.

you could notice when the little changes began so that you would be better prepared for the bigchange that might be coming.

he knew he needed to adapt faster, for if you do not adapt in time, you might as well not adapt at all.

he had to admit that the bigger inhibitor to change lies within yourself, and that nothing gets betteruntil you change.

perhaps most important of all, he realized that there is always new cheese out there whether yourecognize it at the time or not. and that you are rewarded with it when you go past your fear andenjoy the adventure.

he knew some fear should be respected, as it can keep you out of real danger. but he realizedmost of his fears were irrational and had kept him from changing when he needed to change.

he didn't like it at the time, but he knew that the change had turned out to be a blessing in disguiseas it led him to find better cheese.

he had even found a better part of himself.

as haw recalled what he had learned, he thought about his friend hem. he wondered if hem hadread any of the sayings haw had written on the wall at cheese station c and throughout the maze.

had hem ever decided to let go and move on? had he ever entered the maze and discovered whatcould make his life better.

haw thought about going back again to cheese station c to see if he could find hem - assumingthat haw could find his way back there. if he found hem, he thought he might be able to show himhow to get out of his predicament. but haw realized that he had already tried to get his friend tochange.

hem had to find his own way, beyond his comforts and past his fears. no one else could do it forhim, or talk him into it. he somehow had to see the advantage of changing himself.

haw knew he had left a trail for hem and that he could find his way, if he could just read thehandwriting on the wall.

he went over and wrote down a summary of what he had learned on the largest wall of cheesestation n. he drew a large piece of cheese around all the insights he had become aware of, andsmiled as he looked at what he had learned:

the handwriting on the wallchange happensthey keep moving the cheeseanticipate changeget ready for the cheese to movemonitor changesmell the cheese often so you know when it is getting old adapt to change quicklythe quicker you let go of old cheese,the sooner you can enjoy new cheesechangemove with the cheeseenjoy change!

savor the adventure andenjoy the taste of new cheesebe ready to change quickly and enjoy it againthey keep moving the cheeseanticipate changeget ready for the cheese to movemonitor changesmell the cheese often so you know when it is getting oldadapt to change quicklythe quicker you let go of old cheese,the sooner you can enjoy new cheesechangemove with the cheeseenjoy change!

savor the adventure andenjoy the taste of new cheesebe ready to change quickly and enjoy it againthey keep moving the cheesehaw realized how far he had come since he had been with hem in cheese station c, but knew it would be easy for him to slip back if he got too comfortable. each day he inspected cheese stationn to see what the condition of his cheese was. he was going to do whatever he could to avoidbeing surprised by unexpected change.

while haw still had a great supply of cheese, he often went out into the maze and explored newareas to stay in touch with what was happening around him. he knew it was safer to be aware ofhis real choices than to isolate himself in his comfort zone.

then, haw heard what he thought was the sound of movement out in the maze. as the noise grewlouder, he realized that someone was coming.

could it be that hem was arriving? was he about to turn the corner?

haw said a little prayer and hoped - as he had many times before - that maybe, at last, his friendwas finally able to .

move with the cheese and enjoy it!





















他们从没想过,奶酪是从哪里来的,是谁把他们放在那里的。他们只是理所当然地认为,奶酪总是会在 那里的。






















































“因为这个问题不是我们引起的,”哼哼说,“是某些别有用心的人制造了这个局面,而不是我们,所 以我坚持认为我们总应该从中得到些补偿。”













“不!”哼哼很快作出了反应:“我喜欢这里。我只熟悉这里,这里很好很舒服。再说,离开这里到外 面去是很危险的。”








哼哼说:“你知道,如果我们再努力一些,我们也许会发现事情并没有发生太大的变化。奶酪也许就在 附近,他们也许只是被人藏到墙的后面去了。”























































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